Unspoken Dialogue

Holistic Space Management and Design Inspiration uses elements to inspire life, learning, organisational skills and motivation to stay focused at work

Energy & Motivation

Elements of life, learning and growth….

The most important dialogue in holistic living is the one we have with our space - the ambiances that support and influence our moods on a daily basis. The importance of everyone sharing a space being integrated into the space is mostly overlooked but highly relevant if the goal is communion and to win the day from the moment we wake up. This goes for everyone who shares the space, not just one person. In serving families, it isn’t uncommon to find the family deferring to the one person believed to be the ‘creative one’. The problem with this is, naturally and psychologically, all other occupants of the space operate with a level of disconnect and become attached to the areas they have a say, usually their private bedrooms in a home or their work area in an office.

To the trained eye, a critical look at the message a space sends to the mind and vice versa provides insight to behavioural patterns especially in children and young adults, helping parents and carers identify pain points and seek appropriate help, guidance and support to steer them right through the unspoken dialogue portrayed by their participation in organising and designing the spaces in a home. From the moment one wakes up and throughout the day, navigating chores, performing duties as individuals, parents, spouses or children whether working from home or outside the home, energy and self motivation levels are directly influenced by the way a space is organised.

Where one is not suitably supported in the home, the work place or school becomes an escape and returning home may pose some anxiety which if not accurately identified, shows up in a number of ways one of them being an attitude of irritation in adults, heightened stubbornness in kids and defensiveness in older kids/ young adults. In a family setting, the children mostly get the brunt of it.

In cases where this attitude goes unchecked for a long time and where it is not addressed, the children grow into adults with various stress related behavioural patterns that usually gets passed on to their own children.

Holistic space management and design provides organisational transferable skills that support our ever changing dynamics and evolution, ensuring that these changes integrate with our space to provide the anchor we need for our growth and development.

Parental wounds breed adult tombs! We are committed to ensuring we can contribute positively to catching these signs early and providing the right support and ambiance for wholeness and overall wellbeing from the early stages of life because whole individuals form whole communities.

We are here to help you speak to your space so it can speak to you for a long time. Perfection is found in progression.

Endless possibilities wait….

Yours in Becoming….



Somethings Are Caught…


Overcoming Grief with Space Optimisation