Lived In And Picture Perfect 4
Underlying Issues, root cause, foundation, are all terms used interchangeably in every area of life - behavior, habit, health, style, design, architecture, construction, engineering, mortgage, insurance, finance, the list goes on and on. This points to the importance of understanding the ‘back story’ which unfortunately is largely ignored.
As much as people are a product of their upbringing, environment and experiences, there is still that piece of the puzzle that is peculiar to each individual. No one was born to not be ‘a morning person’. Rather, habits have been formed to make that person so.
A good design seeks to identify and separate the intrinsic personality from the learned habits in translating spatial needs and accurately interprets those findings into three primary design functions from which all other functions evolve: Structure, Texture, Color (light / dark).
This week we shall attempt to share some DIY design tips for the Introverted Extrovert (people who have at least 2 of the introverted traits as well as Affiliative trait, one of the 2 known extroverted traits), to give your bedroom a boost.
Ensure that your bed is positioned either against a wall facing the window (where the sun does not rise on that side of the house) or that your head board is placed on the wall to the left or right (where the sun rises on that side of the house).
Declutter the room to the barest minimum where possible, leaving just the bed, bed-stand, lamps, with warm white or yellow lights preferably, use white or off-white sheets, accentuating with your power colors (limit to 2 bold colors).
See that you have a small speaker that equalizes well (not your telephone) to wake up with soft playing music, meditation, praise or a positive message each morning. Having a TV in the room is counter productive for this personality type so this practice is not advisable.
Send us a message, let us know how you get on. In the meantime, get to understand your ‘WHYs’ and enjoy your space.